
Série Abl-4
The AB Series air booster is a compact, single-acting unit available in 1.7:1, 3.7:1 or 7:1 ratios. This booster is an inexpensive alternative for applications requiring 100-680 psi static holding pressures when low flow is acceptable. The air drive and supply are the same so no extra plumbing is required and no electrical connections are needed. The compact and lightweight size, and ability to operate in any position, has broad appeal for in-plant, mobile machinery, and OEM applications. The units are pre-lubricated therefore air line lubrication is not required.
Engine air starter systems
Top off high pressure tires
Release spring actuated brakes
Increase maximum torque on small air tools
Top off and maintain pressure in die cushions
Increase marginal air pressure to valve actuators
Extra force for small air clamps, roll tensioners, assembly machines and air presses
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